Saturday, August 6, 2011

G.A.T.E. Classes Begin August 8th

G.A.T.E. classes will begin August 8th.
Mondays - 4th grade
Tuesdays - 1st and 2nd grades
Wednesdays - 5th grade
Thursdays - 3rd grade

You will come to E54 at 8:00a.m. on the day that your grade level attends gifted. 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders will go to specials and lunch with your grade level. 2nd graders will go to specials and lunch with 1st grade on Tuesdays only.

We are going to have a fabulous time exploring at TCE!


  1. I think gate class will be fun this year.I hope we get to do a lot of games and go on the computer.

  2. You guys arrggghhhh great!

  3. jasana said,i liked pick of you

  4. awesome class mrs.aspinwall

  5. I am IN LOVE with G.A.T.E
