Sunday, September 11, 2011

We are off to a great start in G.A.T.E. 1st and 2nd graders are learning about the one-room schoolhouse in the 1800"s. 3rd graders are doing a simulation of the Pilgrims. 4th graders are starting a unit on Odyssey - Greek Mythology. 5th graders are doing a simulation of Christendom. Each grade level has a weekly lesson in Math Rules, Mind Benders, Roots Rock, and a Junior Great Book story. We are having lots of fun learning and sharing with each other. The students are using our new iPad to find the origin and meaning of the root words we are studying, to play logic games, take AR tests, practice math facts, and to create and narrate stories together. Our Open House will be on September 22nd - I hope to see you!


  1. cool! Tell the 4th graders what there doing is cool! And their project looked so amazing!

  2. You are so cool Mrs Aspinwall!!!!

  3. I remember doing the one room schoolhouse unit.It was so awesome!
